Thursday 9 December 2010

Section 8 - Production Material


Shot List

Shooting Script

1. A black screen, can hear both heavy footsteps and heavy breathing; conveys a sense of panic.
2. Fades into shot, low angled camera, man runs towards and past the camera, continues diegetic sound of footsteps and breathing, fast paced music begins.
3. Cuts to wide shot of him running (tracks from behind).
4. Close up of his feet running; implies speed.
5. Close up of his face, panicked/concerned expression.
6. Mid tracking shot as he runs, see him from the side.
7. Camera cuts to a shot of a young girl in a room, high angled and took from the top right corner of the room, no sound, and black and white; in order to imitate CCTV footage.
8. Camera cuts to the shots of a man running, tracking shot from the side shows him running past buildings (transformed city), non-diegetic sound returns. 
9. Full length shot of him running towards the camera head on, tracking out.
10. Cuts to a point of view shot of him running.
11. Establishing shot of the high-rise building at a low angle shot, to elongate it further and convey importance.
12. Running up towards the building, from behind.
13. Cut to him reaching for the handle.
14. Matching action, opening the door.
15. A cut to the same CCTV footage style shot of the girl banging on the door of the room she is held hostage in, again no sound.
16. Girl looks straight up at high angled camera.
17. Mid shot, slightly low, of him entering the building. All previous shots (apart from shots of the girl) have been external shots, they are now internal.
18. Pans across to him running to the foot of the stairs.
19. High angle of him running up the stairs.
20. Low angle, tracking shot of him running from behind.
21. CU of his face, looking side to side, displays confusion.
22. Point of view shot, camera pans from side to side.
23. Walks into shot.
24. CU of him walking to the door.
25. High angled shot of a girl in room, see her banging on the door, no sound.
26. Point of view shot, girl’s view of the door (inside the room).
27. Mid shot of him walking towards the door (outside the room).
28. Mid shot of her trying to open the door (inside the room).
29. Close up of his hands on the door (outside of the room).
30. Close up of her face.
31. Point of view shot as he opens the door.
32. Close up of his face, see confusion.
33. Point of view shot of the empty room (apart from table, timer and note).
34. Medium-wide shot from behind table of him walking towards table.
35. Close up of him picking up the note and unfolding it.
36. Close up of the shocked expression on his face, he turns.
37. Mid shot of him from behind as he drops the note and runs out of the room.
38. High angled shot of note falling, sees writing on note (slow motion), tracks out and becomes CCTV footage.
39. Camera tracks out to see screen showing the empty room. Can see a man’s shoulder, appears to be watching the screen.
40. Fades to black screen, see title of film ‘Justice’.

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