Thursday 18 November 2010

Section 3 - Brainstorm of Content and Classification of Film

(Click the image to enlarge)

We decided to call our film Justice. We incorporated as many of our original ideas as we could, choosing two main locations (a room and the streets/corridors the man runs through) and we tried to include elements of psychological and crime thrillers to create tension within our thriller.
The plot line we decided on for our thriller is: an ex-police officer decides to take revenge on the man who was his partner on the police force. During their time on the police force as partners, one became involved in a drugs scandal, and when the scandal came to light, he blamed it on his partner. This led to the partner being investigated, convicted and sentanced for a drugs crime which he had no part in. He was thrown out of the police force and sent to prison, leading him to resent his former partner and leads him to decide to take revenge.
As the ex-police officer did not have a family, he considered his career to be what was most important to him; he believes that he should take revenge on his ex-partner by taking away what is most important to him, which is his sister. The ex-police officer kidnaps the sister, and holds her hostage, leaving clues for his ex-partner to follow and find his sister, as he believes this to be his version of justice, as justice failed him.

We have chosen certificate 15 for our thriller film. We chose this certificate as it will allow us the largest possible audience without having to compromise the narrative of our thriller. Considering that our film involves a hostage-style situation, and that later in the narrative there will be police involvement and the involvement of the killer, we decided that certificate 15 would be most appropriate for our film. The British Board of Film Classification states that no person under the age of 15 may watch, buy or rent a film which has been classified with a 15 certifcate.

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